Adios Titos

My Sober Journey

My love affair with alcohol

I haven’t always been in love with Tito’s vodka. It was a gradual thing. I’d say my first love was Crown Royal. But boy! The headaches, yikes! To be quite honest, there’s probably nothing alcoholic I’d turn down except tequila. Very first dance with tequila was a 2 day bout with the toilet and tons of aspirin (you’d think I’d learn). I’ve done the “off & on” drinking since the age of 21. I spent the majority of the 80’s having my kids, so not much drinking that decade. Started up with a vengeance in ‘94 when I went back to college. I was a late starter in college but fell right into the going out and drinking game! I slowed down a bit when my best friend moved to Tennessee. If I did drink, it was a binge maybe 1 time a month. I eventually moved to Dallas to be near my grown children and continue my nursing career. I’d drink (a lot) on occasion when I’d go somewhere with my kids. We did concerts, eating out, parties, happy hours….then came the pandemic!!! As I’m a nurse, I still worked in the hospital setting. Being quite used to a social life, I became increasingly depressed and started drinking alone. It wasn’t long before I was binge drinking (heavily) 3-4 times a week. Once the social isolation was lifted, one would think I’d stop the binge drinking at home…NOPE! I always had some excuse to drink at home, stress, anxiety, loneliness, happiness, you name it. But, when I did go out, I’d still drink like I was alone, do vey stupid shit, embarrass myself and everyone with me. My last “event” I literally blacked out; started walking home (with my dog) and the next thing I remember was someone helping me up off the sidewalk. This lovely stranger gave me and my dog a ride home when I discovered I couldn’t find my keys. With a softball sized knot on my head, my son showed up (none too happy, I might add) and let me in my house. This was 23 days ago, and my last drink (hopefully!) I was literally sick and dizzy for 4 days and had no clue if it was the head injury, hangover or a combo! I’ve been reading everything I can get my hands on regarding staying sober, and one author suggested a blog. So, here I am, saying goodbye to Tito’s and hello to my new life!