Adios Titos

My Sober Journey

Blog Posts

Day 107

Well I’m shocked I’ve made it this far! I’ve certainly had my ups and downs. Most recently I’ve found that have very little interest in doing anything. It doesn’t feel like depression, almost a feeling of emptiness. Hard to describe, just blah. I did some reading and I guess this is normal, but I’ve made […]

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Day 52

I’ve figured out on my short journey this far, I don’t do ANYTHING in moderation. I’ve taken to drinking as much iced tea as I can get my hands on. Love peach tea, but not easy to find. I’m flying out to see my daughter, son-in-law, and son in San Jose this morning. My first […]

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Day 40!

Today is day 40 since I divorced Tito’s! The knot on my head, from day one, that was the size of a softball, is now the size of a quarter. But still plenty sore…good reminder of what NOT to do again! There are still days I struggle, but then I think of the following:

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Day 34, Easter Sunday

It’s a nice day, not too hot, not too cool. Decided it’s a perfect day to work in the yard. Let me tell you! This is sooooomuch easier with a Tito’s cran in hand 🤣, but I’m giving myself lots of breaks, lots of iced tea and hopefully it will look better than it would […]

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Day 30

I’ve made it to day 30!!! Feels like a great accomplishment. There are still days that are somewhat difficult (if it weren’t, I wouldn’t be in this pickle!), but I’ve managed to change my focus and march on. I have a special dog park I like taking my beloved aussiedoodle to. And, it’s my favorite […]

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Day 24

I have noticed a few changes during my sober journey. I’ve lost a few pounds (definitely a plus). I feel good everyday (vs a hangover every other day 🤮), I’m making plans a week in advance that DON’T involve alcohol. I’ve learned to love iced tea (way cheaper than Tito’s!). I haven’t ventured out much […]

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