Adios Titos

My Sober Journey

Day 30

I’ve made it to day 30!!! Feels like a great accomplishment. There are still days that are somewhat difficult (if it weren’t, I wouldn’t be in this pickle!), but I’ve managed to change my focus and march on. I have a special dog park I like taking my beloved aussiedoodle to. And, it’s my favorite because they sell delicious alcoholic beverages. It’s his favorite because he gets to hang out with all the other pups. I don’t feel ready to tempt myself by going back yet. I did, however, find a wonderful dog park that has a sectioned off area of the lake for the dogs to swim. I took him and his bestie there Sunday. I was amazed at what fun it was just watching them play….without a lick of liquor 🤣 Today I got off early and my electricity was off. Typically this would irritate the hell out of me. Today I sat on the porch, drank my iced tea, and painted a rock until the power returned!!! I’m super happy I’ve made it to almost 1 month sober (tomorrow night, 1050pm) I know there are more temptations ahead, but there are soooooo many reasons to say no. Maybe I’ll list those reasons in my next post. Goodnight Titos!