Adios Titos

My Sober Journey

Day 24

I have noticed a few changes during my sober journey. I’ve lost a few pounds (definitely a plus). I feel good everyday (vs a hangover every other day 🤮), I’m making plans a week in advance that DON’T involve alcohol. I’ve learned to love iced tea (way cheaper than Tito’s!). I haven’t ventured out much into my “past world” of concerts, patio bars, or even eating out, but that will come in time. I had a moment of panic a couple days ago. My next door neighbor, who has been gone for 6 months or longer, suggested we “get together later and catch up”. Well, our version of “getting together” always involves alcohol and music while sitting on the porch. The moment he suggested it, my stomach did a flip and I wanted to run! I waved and said, “sounds great” and retreated into my house. After giving it some thought, I had to laugh at myself: I can “catch up” with someone, drink iced tea, and HE can have a beer! Adios Tito’s 🤣